Anniversary of the founding of the ashram in Tattendorf
September 2021
May the best blessings of God and the Masters descend upon you all.
I take this opportunity to pray for you and send my best wishes for your anniversary celebration
The founding of our ashram in Tattendorf, Austria, which falls on September 6.
This ashram is completing its 23rd year of operation and entering its 24th year. As in human life, every institution
goes through challenges. Spiritual organization is the blessing of the Masters to perform divine
job. Our ashrams spread the message of love and compassion through the practice of Kriya.
As we commemorate the anniversary, we must personally and collectively reflect on whether we are truly following the
Spiritual path and we grow. This is a time of self-analysis, a time to plan the future course of self-development.
We should evaluate our internal and external development. Internal growth is more important, but
External is also important. Inner growth transforms our hearts and minds through peaceful and
The dynamic force of divinity. External growth is an expression of love and compassion for all.
The organization experiences internal growth through the unity of all members who develop
light of understanding and sincere practice of meditation. External growth is spreading the message
Champions to more people using different media.
Our masters taught us that we should practice in order for our lives to change. This change
will be easily visible to others and will motivate them to learn and practice Kriya.
The masters taught us that example is better than precepts. We should all become good
Examples of love, peace and harmony.
We should be healthy and help others be healthy. We should be happy and spread the
happiness wherever we go. We should smile and make others smile.
We should be strong and help others gain strength. We should serve and create a spirit of service in
others. We should meditate and inspire others to meditate.
Time passes very quickly.
We should spend our time intelligently and in a positive way.
May health and happiness be everywhere.
On this occasion, I pray for all of creation and for all of you.
I bow to all of you.
I send you my love from the bottom of my heart.
With love,