KRIYA YOGA 23-28 June 2023 PITYNY/Olsztyn
You are cordially invited to an intimate meditation retreat in a unique place in Poland, in the picturesque land of Warmia next to the village of Pityny in the Pasleka River Nature Reserve. It is a magnificent 30-hectare area away from civilization, covered with meadows, pastures and forests (it is about 1 km to the nearest human settlements, not including the residence of the owner of this area). The area is energetically clean, there is no history of human habitation, and the proximity of the reserve and the inaccessibility of the site ensure that you will be able to enjoy the tranquility of seclusion and experience an extraordinary connection with the
nature (accommodation, food and meditation will take place in the house, there is also the possibility of camping)
retreat will lead:
Swami Mangalananda Giri
(Kriya Yoga Center Tattendorf Austria)
– o nauczycielu więcej>
Daily meditation sessions, question-and-answer sessions, walks together, outdoor meditations are planned).
Note – the number of places is very limited. Reserve your spot now!
If you are not yet initiated and do not practice Kriya Yoga and would like to come to this retreat, please contact the organizers. Anyone who wants to practice these techniques and follow this path of development must receive initiation. You can read more about initiation here-
About initiation – read more >
There will be an opportunity to receive initiation into higher degrees of Kriya, please contact the organizers about this.
Cost of the entire retreat (6 days) – PLN 850 (food, accommodation, program)
You can come for part of the retreat – the cost for one day is PLN 150 but priority is given to those participating in the entire program.
You can register your participation in the retreat:
– via the form on the website here – REGISTER ! >
– by phone or by writing an e-mail to the organizers
Contact to the organizers:
Grzegorz, tel. 500 200 899, email: