Kriya Yoga Science

A sincere spiritual seeker who follows the Kriya Yoga path with love, devotion and a desire for spiritual growth can achieve realization – even within one lifetime. This powerful yoga is a manifestation of the many yoga paths written down in the Bhagavad Gita, but it is mainly derived from:

  • Karma Yoga – non-attachment to the fruits of one’s actions in the outer world and, more importantly, the inner world (mind activity)
  • Jnana Yoga – a disciplined intellect acquires spiritual knowledge and this wisdom creates freedom through non-attachment to the fruits of one’s actions
  • Bhatki Yoga – unconditional love is awakened through gratitude and joy flowing from being one with all creation, which is cosmic consciousness.

Kriya Yoga is not affiliated with any religion. It is a simple meditation technique that is not difficult, does not require renunciation, and is suitable, both for those leading a family life and monks. Drawing on the principles of Karma Yoga, Kriya Yoga teaches that all actions, kri, are performed by the soul, ya. Constant attentiveness to the power of the soul can turn all activities into worship. The awareness that the soul inhales each breath leads to mind control and liberation.

The Kriya Yoga technique emphasizes the connection between the breath and the mind. The breath affects the mind and vice versa. This reciprocal relationship reveals the secret of mind control: “Breath control is self-control. Breath mastery is mastery of self-control. The state of breathlessness is immortality.” The state of samadhi, without breath, is the realization of the Absolute.

Direct transmission from teacher to student
Kriya Yoga is a wonderful opportunity to reach higher states of consciousness and change lives by developing the body, mind, intellect and soul consciousness. It’s a quick and easy path. Kriya Yoga techniques are passed from master to student, master to aspirant, teacher to student.

No written documents record when the ancient tradition of Kriya Yoga began. This spiritual technique has been practiced by saints, prophets and sages since time immemorial. The Rishi (“seer”) of the Upanishads, Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, Maharshi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras and many other yoga masters have practiced and taught this ancient method over the centuries.
Kriya Yoga is a powerful tool for spiritual seekers coming from all religions. Adi Shankara in Viveka Chudamani described three things that are very rare in this world: to have human birth, to have the desire for liberation and to have the company of a great soul, a realized master.

The origins of technology
In modern times, in 1861, the elusive and mysterious master, Mahavatar Babaji, reintroduced this ancient Kriya Yoga technique to the world through his gifted disciple, Shri Shyamacharan Lahiri, a pious person, married and living a family life. Lahiri Mahasaya, as he was called, had many realized disciples. Leading among them were Swami Shriyukteshwar Giri, who was well versed in the scriptures of both the East and the West, and who attained the highest level of realization, and Shrimat Bhupendranath Sanyal Mahasaya, a yogi – leading a family life – best remembered and known for his metaphorical interpretation of the Bhagavad
The Gita in the Light of Kriya Yoga.
Among Swami Shriyukteshwar’s many disciples were Paramahamsa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, and Swami Satyananda Giri, who was president of Karar Ashram until 1971, (Karar Ashram was founded by Swami Shriyukteshwar in 1903). Paramahamsa Hariharananda, who has been president of Karar Ashram since 1971 and of the international Kriya Yoga organization he founded, was also a direct disciple of Swami Shriyukteshwar.
Both Paramahamsa Yogananda and Paramahamsa Hariharananda were realized and contributed to the spread, the spread of Kriya Yoga teachings throughout the world. Until his death on December 3, 2002, at the age of 95 (1907-2002), Paramahamsa Hariharananda oversaw the spiritual development of each student. He was affectionately called “Baba” by thousands of schoolchildren and students from around the world. His divine love and compassion remain unsurpassed. Today, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, a realized disciple and spiritual successor of Paramahamsa Hariharananda, travels the world as a powerful spiritual master, loving teacher, prolific author and speaker. Under his loving leadership, international Kriya Yoga organizations supported by monks, teachers and devotees continue to grow.

How to get started
All over the world, at Kriya Yoga ashrams and centers, meditations are open to all those already initiated by authorized teachers of the lineage and introductory programs and initiations are regularly held. We are happy to help you with your Kriya Yoga practice. For more information about Kriya Yoga, turn to the ashram or the nearest meditation center or group and contact the designated person directly.